Hiyo! :D
Okkay.. I made this to one drawing contest. The idea is that there is big bad greed coming and Mother Earth, Gaia, what ever you like is crying because world is soon ruined. I hope that the jury likes it.

I'm totally keen on one TV show called True Blood. And to the song in the beginning. I don't know why. *sings* "I wanna do bad things with you". Only but is that Sookie-Cookie is stupid and the song is too short. :D I was visiting my grandpa and grandma now in the easter time. We had a campfire in the background. I took a few photos of my cousin there. I like the colours and her face isn't showing. I got a permission from my godmother, cousins mother, thanks for it. ^^

...Now I have really much books to read. It's good because normally I don't. But now our precious library decided to buy new books and I'm almost eating them. :D Only but is that I don't have time for reading....well not that much time. And I should read something Finnish to Finnish class. All them are about middle-aged man. No thanks... At the moment I'm reading Dan Browns The Lost Symbol. Good book tough there's much to "learn".
Oh, damn. Gimp stopped working and I can't use Photoshop. :D
Spring in the heart,