Hellou and happy New Year!
This years last day began sadly. My apologies and warm hugs to all who's beloved died in Espoo's shooting today. There's no place in my small head for that kind of things. Hurting another human in that level and on purpose.. Does anyone have that right to decide when someone's life is going to end? Even they feel that they have been hurted much. I'm not perfect myself so I'm not going to say anything more about other people behaviour or stupidity.
This whole year has been quite good. Good moments, bad moments...I'm now putting them in order that next year won't begin in bad feeligs or too just too extited. Well next year is better to be a good one what ever happens. :D One important school ends and there's lots to learn before we get our grades. Thumbs up!
Okay.. Now I'll do promise to next year. I promise that I'll raise my grades up and get something nice to do. (hahaa, no one knows what it will be, even I don't)
Something else too: I promise to try be a better and nicer person next year.
Happy and lucky year 2010!
torstai 31. joulukuuta 2009
torstai 17. joulukuuta 2009
Little confusion
Yello. :D
It's been some time from the last blog text...Things have happened in between this and the last text... Here's some.
We started a project earlier in this autumn with youngs theater Norsu (elephant in english) and our little singing group. We took the songs from Disney -films and people in Norsu has been creating horribly twisted plot to the play. And it's suprisingly good. Now I'm waiting for next rehearsals together to see what it'll be because I laughed my...lungs out. :D Elephants are nice people.
Then the next thing.Yesterday we had a panel discussion with other special needs student (this is the word I found but it's supposed to mean that we are the link between other students and teachers and to be supportive to new students in our school, in Finnish tukioppilas) I had a feeling that I was in an aquarium and people were staring at me. Well the thing that we were talking about was good. I'd have felt very stupid if had been there for nothing... We were talking about our schoold KiVa -programme (KiVa = Against Bullying school) The KiVa -team was telling examples of bullying situations and storys of true life and we (tukioppilas') were thinking of their deeper meanings as a young people. There was things like: we all are different so why bully? and why feelings are important?. I think we did a good job...
The Frost Man decided to come finally and I decided to buy decent coat because this coat I wore before is not thick enough. I took pics of frosty trees last or week before that when I was wondering the philosophy of the pretty landscape. :DD

Photo has been taken with phone and the quality is by that.
It's been some time from the last blog text...Things have happened in between this and the last text... Here's some.
We started a project earlier in this autumn with youngs theater Norsu (elephant in english) and our little singing group. We took the songs from Disney -films and people in Norsu has been creating horribly twisted plot to the play. And it's suprisingly good. Now I'm waiting for next rehearsals together to see what it'll be because I laughed my...lungs out. :D Elephants are nice people.
Then the next thing.Yesterday we had a panel discussion with other special needs student (this is the word I found but it's supposed to mean that we are the link between other students and teachers and to be supportive to new students in our school, in Finnish tukioppilas) I had a feeling that I was in an aquarium and people were staring at me. Well the thing that we were talking about was good. I'd have felt very stupid if had been there for nothing... We were talking about our schoold KiVa -programme (KiVa = Against Bullying school) The KiVa -team was telling examples of bullying situations and storys of true life and we (tukioppilas') were thinking of their deeper meanings as a young people. There was things like: we all are different so why bully? and why feelings are important?. I think we did a good job...
The Frost Man decided to come finally and I decided to buy decent coat because this coat I wore before is not thick enough. I took pics of frosty trees last or week before that when I was wondering the philosophy of the pretty landscape. :DD

Photo has been taken with phone and the quality is by that.
keskiviikko 2. joulukuuta 2009
Finnish guts. :D
Hi again.
I was nervous about stomach muscle test from last weeks Monday. I feel bad even when I heat that noice. Beep, beep... Every time I have survived from it pretty well but this time I had doubts. Last week I made 50 sit-ups and that was so hard... On this Monday I was panicing the whole day that I'm going to die. :D First we were doing other exercises and then the sports teacher said now go to the mattres, we do the test now. I had decided that I would make at least that 82 which I made two years ago. Or it was determined wish...My firiend told me that I wouldn't be able to do that much. I made 93 sit-ups! And that was the best result from the whole group. (I wonder how is that possible?) Phuhhh. That was hard! My stomach muscles are like this: If you have to do good, then you do. Finnish guts. :D Now I'm getting my lost calories back with chocolate.
Anything else? Well I could babble something. It's December! And one childrens programme called Christmas Calendar begins. :D I'm so exited and hoping that main character will be Tonttu Toljanteri (but it wasn't I watched today...) I remember wathing that programme nose almost glued to the screen. That exiting it was. Nowadays all those childrens things are so characterless...Well so are the kids.
How can writer create so good characters that you almost faint when you think about them? I want to know! I was reading one book in the weekend and those male characters were wonderful. :D And then I start to think that beginnig of a story somewhere around nothing in my computer that I feel despressed. I have everything on my mind what happens in the middle of the story but the beginning....nothing. Well lets hope that inspiration comes and takes me away :D
I was nervous about stomach muscle test from last weeks Monday. I feel bad even when I heat that noice. Beep, beep... Every time I have survived from it pretty well but this time I had doubts. Last week I made 50 sit-ups and that was so hard... On this Monday I was panicing the whole day that I'm going to die. :D First we were doing other exercises and then the sports teacher said now go to the mattres, we do the test now. I had decided that I would make at least that 82 which I made two years ago. Or it was determined wish...My firiend told me that I wouldn't be able to do that much. I made 93 sit-ups! And that was the best result from the whole group. (I wonder how is that possible?) Phuhhh. That was hard! My stomach muscles are like this: If you have to do good, then you do. Finnish guts. :D Now I'm getting my lost calories back with chocolate.
Anything else? Well I could babble something. It's December! And one childrens programme called Christmas Calendar begins. :D I'm so exited and hoping that main character will be Tonttu Toljanteri (but it wasn't I watched today...) I remember wathing that programme nose almost glued to the screen. That exiting it was. Nowadays all those childrens things are so characterless...Well so are the kids.
How can writer create so good characters that you almost faint when you think about them? I want to know! I was reading one book in the weekend and those male characters were wonderful. :D And then I start to think that beginnig of a story somewhere around nothing in my computer that I feel despressed. I have everything on my mind what happens in the middle of the story but the beginning....nothing. Well lets hope that inspiration comes and takes me away :D
torstai 19. marraskuuta 2009
Random thoughts
Terppaleiskis. :D
I have been bit lazy lately and practicly done nothing. Except I was at group leader training again and my shoes are now succesfully destroyed, they are really done. Luckily my friend and I go to Iisalmi next week. Rescue. Hopefully I find some kind of shoes. At the same visit I might go to cinema. I have been waiting some movies to watch.
Why can't this snow last the whole winter? But no, some idiot has forecast that they melt and lasting snow comes in February... What is this? This is not good. Where are those snowdrifts and freezing air of my childhood? Oh well... I was smaller then. But still.
I have been drawing one thing to some art competition in arts class and I brought it home to be finished. My little brother and mom had looked at it and came to this: It can't be made by me, it's too good. Very fair...
I'm too lazy to write anything anymore and I have no pics...:)
I have been bit lazy lately and practicly done nothing. Except I was at group leader training again and my shoes are now succesfully destroyed, they are really done. Luckily my friend and I go to Iisalmi next week. Rescue. Hopefully I find some kind of shoes. At the same visit I might go to cinema. I have been waiting some movies to watch.
Why can't this snow last the whole winter? But no, some idiot has forecast that they melt and lasting snow comes in February... What is this? This is not good. Where are those snowdrifts and freezing air of my childhood? Oh well... I was smaller then. But still.
I have been drawing one thing to some art competition in arts class and I brought it home to be finished. My little brother and mom had looked at it and came to this: It can't be made by me, it's too good. Very fair...
I'm too lazy to write anything anymore and I have no pics...:)
torstai 5. marraskuuta 2009
Hellou again. :D
Last weekend I was at Oulugospel and suprise, surprise I had fun. There was...I don't remember how many young people there was.
Anyways...I had hun expecially when we went to eat on Saturday.
On Friday we left for Oulu by bus and sopped in Kiuruvesi to take other people to the bus. From there we contuned nicely until Tupos' ABC. I thought that I could save my money and eat not-so-much because sitting in a but doesn't really need energy. Then bit less than hour driving we arrived to Oulu and went straight to Pohjankartano's school and there performed bands called Teo and Tera. I was really excited because of the last one because they play music I like to listen to. (They're good!)
Teo's quitarist and "borrowed" keyboardist from Lumina Polaris
Tera's cute drummer Matti.
Tera's bassist Jesse (who had really good-looking bass!)
After that concert we went to church to listen African church servise (<--- I didn't find the right word to that please excuse me) but there were no Africans. We had fun there too because we could sing all the time. Then we went back to the school and to sleep.
Saturday was full day. There was lots to do and lots to listen like Dissonanssi and Soul Connection (who weren't so well accepted than first bands) and Bass'n Helen (who got the whole audiendce with them) Most of the happenings was at Oulu's Theater.
Saturdays the first and the last real meal was somewhere between 15.00 and 16.00 when me, my two friends and youth worker went to eat. We laughed so much that people started to stare at us. By the way, it was good pizza but I had to keep my and in front of my mouth because there was so much garlic.
I won't say anything else...Otherwise it'll be too long.
Last weekend I was at Oulugospel and suprise, surprise I had fun. There was...I don't remember how many young people there was.
Anyways...I had hun expecially when we went to eat on Saturday.
On Friday we left for Oulu by bus and sopped in Kiuruvesi to take other people to the bus. From there we contuned nicely until Tupos' ABC. I thought that I could save my money and eat not-so-much because sitting in a but doesn't really need energy. Then bit less than hour driving we arrived to Oulu and went straight to Pohjankartano's school and there performed bands called Teo and Tera. I was really excited because of the last one because they play music I like to listen to. (They're good!)

After that concert we went to church to listen African church servise (<--- I didn't find the right word to that please excuse me) but there were no Africans. We had fun there too because we could sing all the time. Then we went back to the school and to sleep.
Saturday was full day. There was lots to do and lots to listen like Dissonanssi and Soul Connection (who weren't so well accepted than first bands) and Bass'n Helen (who got the whole audiendce with them) Most of the happenings was at Oulu's Theater.
Saturdays the first and the last real meal was somewhere between 15.00 and 16.00 when me, my two friends and youth worker went to eat. We laughed so much that people started to stare at us. By the way, it was good pizza but I had to keep my and in front of my mouth because there was so much garlic.
I won't say anything else...Otherwise it'll be too long.
sunnuntai 25. lokakuuta 2009
Hello again.
This weekend I was at group leader training for confirmation school or other camps. (here in Finlanld confirmation school is a camp) I was thinking that what it is going to be like, because two of my friends, who were at the last training with me decided not to come. I heard a comment: "I would be annoyed to go there." I can say now that I would be annoyed if I wouldn't have gone there" I had real fun! People are so different there than at school and you can go and sit next to somebody without thinking too much.
We were given a "mission" to do a little moment to new and old camp group leaders (isonen). We hadn't got so much time but they were quite good. My subject was "Lifes Bread". It wasn't too easy but not too hard. I got lots of compliments from other people. I wasn't nervous at all, I don't know should I've been but...
We played lot's of Mafioso there. There's no sense in the game... Mafiosos try to "kill" everybody who the can and others try to catch them. It's good game though but it can be bit boring you are sivile. The first time I was Mafioso we won the game with one new leader by "killing all in the village". Pretty sneeky. :D Second time was not so successful.
By the way...I'm sure some day I'm going to die while I'm eating eucharist. Today I almost choced to the wine...that wasn't nice. Well actually this was about my weekend. Training ended after chuch.
I think that all...
This weekend I was at group leader training for confirmation school or other camps. (here in Finlanld confirmation school is a camp) I was thinking that what it is going to be like, because two of my friends, who were at the last training with me decided not to come. I heard a comment: "I would be annoyed to go there." I can say now that I would be annoyed if I wouldn't have gone there" I had real fun! People are so different there than at school and you can go and sit next to somebody without thinking too much.
We were given a "mission" to do a little moment to new and old camp group leaders (isonen). We hadn't got so much time but they were quite good. My subject was "Lifes Bread". It wasn't too easy but not too hard. I got lots of compliments from other people. I wasn't nervous at all, I don't know should I've been but...
We played lot's of Mafioso there. There's no sense in the game... Mafiosos try to "kill" everybody who the can and others try to catch them. It's good game though but it can be bit boring you are sivile. The first time I was Mafioso we won the game with one new leader by "killing all in the village". Pretty sneeky. :D Second time was not so successful.
By the way...I'm sure some day I'm going to die while I'm eating eucharist. Today I almost choced to the wine...that wasn't nice. Well actually this was about my weekend. Training ended after chuch.
I think that all...
keskiviikko 21. lokakuuta 2009
Who dares to read?
Hellou. Do you dare to read Neppari's first post? ^^
Krhm, krhm.
What's with me now, oh, so healthy person. I've got a cold and very annoying one. Even woolen socks aren't helping if you skate without proper clothes on at gym glass (and we don't have ice outside yet it was at hall) And with those school's damn unsharp skates that if you're able to keep balance with those on it's practicly art. Well if you're rusty, don't blame skates.
Anyways, I was pretty good when I was goalkeeper. Usually anything that tries to go to the goal, goes there. Now only two of maaaaany of them went inside. There is one good side of the changing of the group. They don't hit the ball so hard. Other good sides....not so much. Well that's all about sports.
Today at Health Ecucation class there was an temp teacher who has taught us already in other subjects. She told us to "carry on" with our group works even the real teacher told us to start doing them. My group was pretty good but I had to write everything or tell them what to write. And if you write yourself, someone is destroying something. Afterwords you have fix it. Then when we were half ready the temp said that we have 15 minutes left. What?? There's still half of the lesson left and we're not even making the presentations today. I thought. That how it is. She answers to the questions. Mercyless writing begins. I made it. Way to go me!
Well that all this time.. I'll write more then I'm not too lazy :D
Krhm, krhm.
What's with me now, oh, so healthy person. I've got a cold and very annoying one. Even woolen socks aren't helping if you skate without proper clothes on at gym glass (and we don't have ice outside yet it was at hall) And with those school's damn unsharp skates that if you're able to keep balance with those on it's practicly art. Well if you're rusty, don't blame skates.
Anyways, I was pretty good when I was goalkeeper. Usually anything that tries to go to the goal, goes there. Now only two of maaaaany of them went inside. There is one good side of the changing of the group. They don't hit the ball so hard. Other good sides....not so much. Well that's all about sports.
Today at Health Ecucation class there was an temp teacher who has taught us already in other subjects. She told us to "carry on" with our group works even the real teacher told us to start doing them. My group was pretty good but I had to write everything or tell them what to write. And if you write yourself, someone is destroying something. Afterwords you have fix it. Then when we were half ready the temp said that we have 15 minutes left. What?? There's still half of the lesson left and we're not even making the presentations today. I thought. That how it is. She answers to the questions. Mercyless writing begins. I made it. Way to go me!
Well that all this time.. I'll write more then I'm not too lazy :D
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